They are saying the same old thing over again: Just hang on, people! The more money, resources, and troops we pour into Iraq, the better things will be. And once General Petraeus gives his assessment of the current situation in Iraq, everything will be wine and roses.
This, of course, is complete and total BULLSHIT!
Even if Petraeus gives a rosy evaluation of the current situation in Iraq, anyone with half a brain will realize that he is at best greatly exagerating, and at worst lying through his teeth, probably on the orders of the Administration.
But the problem is, we won't care! NOBODY gives a shit about the thousands of American troops who have been killed needlessly. We as a country are apparently more interested in the latest antics of Linday Lohan or Paris Hilton. Even when tragedies happen right here at home, as in the case of the Utah mine disaster, there is no public outcry! There is no demand for a stringent re-evaluation of mine safety regulations. As long as we have our endless diet of reality TV and Hollywood gossip, we are apparently content to let tragedy and mayhem occur unchecked, both here and abroad. The Constitution is in tatters, people are arrested without charges or trial, and a willing media trumpets lost causes 24 hours a day. But we as a people seem to be OK with it all!
We face a future of endless war abroad and constant surveillance at home, and yet we don't seem to mind one bit. George Orwell's vision of our bleak future seems to have turned out to be 100% correct--He was simply a couple of decades ahead of reality.
THAT is the nation--and the world--we will be handing over to our children. May they forgive us someday. I wouldn't.