I got into it today with my co-workers.
I remarked about how coincidental it was that whenever Duhbya’s approval ratings go down, a terrorist alert gets issued, or something similar happens.
Am I the only intelligent person in this office?
One co-worker believes Saddam Hussein was in some way responsible for September 11th. Good grief, it’s been proven that’s not the case.
I know I promised to stay away from politics as much as possible here, but COME ON! Maybe my problem is that I work in a Republican office. I’m sure my boss only joined the young Naz--um, Republicans because he wanted to suck up. And I’m certaim my other co-worker seems to have had her brains sucked out by having two kids.
OK, let’s go over this one more time:
Saddam Hussein had NOTHING to do with September 11th.
Not one of the 9/11 hijackers was from Iraq
You are about 10,000 times (or more) more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack.
We invaded Iraq for one reason: OIL
Our country’s continued dependence on a fossil fuel with an unstable supply at best is the cause of most of our foreign policy problems.
Ever wonder why most people in Iraq hate us? Well, how would YOU feel if you had troops from Iraq patrolling the streets of YOUR town, taking all of your precious natural resources away, and locking you up in prison without trial?
Why is it Americans have so much trouble understanding why other countries hate us so much. Could it possibly be that we’ve done so much to inspire that hatred?
Wise up, folks. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better—if it ever does!
I’m taking the memorial day weekend off from writing my journal. I’ve got some DRINKING to do!!!
>>>And now here's a few from June 2004:
I’m back after taking a Memorial Day break from writing my daily journal.
I got published, Baybee!
I sent a letter to The Blade, and they published it in last Saturday’s paper.
Not only did they publish it, they published it WORD FOR WORD!
Doubt me? Here’s the text of the letter I sent:
Gas-electric hybrid vehicles are a wonderful innovation. They may be the most important innovation in automotive technology since the assembly line. They’re also becoming more sophisticated and powerful. Gone are the golf carts of a couple years ago. They now are making full-sized versions of them, even an SUV. Everyone raves about how smoothly they ride. And with the price of gas now at more than $2 a gallon in most places, they only make more sense.
Of course, they still have one big problem: No matter how advanced they become, they will still always have to use gas. Yes, they use less of it. But they still use it.
Our entire modern civilization remains addicted to a fossil fuel that has been in large-scale use since the 19th century! It is difficult to obtain under the best of circumstances. And when some of the largest reserves of it are located under some of the most unstable regions in the world, those difficulties are compounded immensely.
Hybrid vehicles are a temporary solution at best. We must find a way to greatly reduce or even eliminate our demand for oil, period. Until we do, we will always be at the mercy of those who control its supply.
And here’s the link to it:
No applause is necessary. Just cash.
I know, it sounds like I’m blowing my own horn here. Well, DUH! This is MY JOURNAL, PEOPLE (and now it's MY BLOG)! It’s a place for me to spout my own feelings, actions, and to crow a little about my accomplishments! So if you don’t like it, quit reading!
About my new cousin.
Actually, I guess he’s my second cousin. Or my first cousin once removed. I’ve never known what to call the children of my cousins
James Franklin McAfee came into the world on May 26th, 2004. His names come from (I assume) my Uncle James McAfee and my cousin’s wife’s grandfather’s name (whew!)
He’s a cute little dickens, too! Here’s a picture of him:

James Franklin McAfee

(jeebus, it takes a lot of effort to get a picture into a blog!)
He’s a dead ringer for his dad.
He was still in the NICU last Monday, because he was having trouble breathing. He’s off all the tubes and stuff now, though. According to my sister, when she first saw him, he had a whole bunch of medical equipment attached to him (that’s where the red face comes from).
He looks a lot bigger in the pictures than he actually is. He is 6 lbs, 9 oz., 19 inches long.
I’ve never seen a baby that was less than a week old. I just can’t get over how tiny he is.
Life is truly a miracle, isn’t it!
(This entry has political overtones. You may want to skip…aw, who am I kidding. Read on!)
Today, George Tenet announced his resignation, and we heard the words GEORGE W. BUSH and GRAND JURY in the same sentence.
I think I just had an orgasm.
This is the best news I’ve heard since they announced Elisha Cuthbert was going to be playing a porn star in her latest movie.
I can’t help but wonder if Tenet is not the first in a long line of dominoes. One can only hope.
Tonight, I’ll go home and hoist a beer in his honor. Hell, I was going to do that anyway, but at least now I have an excuse for doing so.
I do so love it when things go badly for George W. Bush. Now if we can just make sure he loses in 6 months…
Who will be next? Rumsfeld? Wolfowitz? Condi? KARL ROVE?
Place yer bets!
I need a hybrid car.
Driving home today, I saw that the price of gas was up to $2.10 per gallon in some places.
Oh, by the way, could someone please explain to me why they always use that “.9” on all gas prices.
I could probably find the answer if I spent 5 minutes looking on the internet, but I’m just too lazy.
The price of gas is more than $2 per gallon nationwide. The economy added more than 200,000 jobs, yet the unemployment rate remained the same. We are stuck in a quagmire in Iraq. Most of the rest of the world hates us. And yet, Bush’s approval ratings remain as high as they ever were.
How much longer can this country continue to function with its head so far up its ass?!
Dutch is dead.
It was at about 4 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. I had just finished watching the movie “Evolution” (“There is ALWAYS time for lubricant!” will always be one of the best. Movie. Lines. Evah.) when I flipped over to ABC and saw the banner line “Ronald Reagan dies” (BTW, NBC, CBS, and FOX didn’t cover it).
This is yet another one of those “Where were you when” (WWYW) questions that are becoming all too prevalent for my generation
Let’s go down the list.
Where were you when:
· You heard Reagan was shot
· You heard the shuttle Challenger had exploded
· You heard about the first Gulf War
· You heard the O.J. verdict
· You heard about the Columbine massacre
· You heard about JFK jr. dying in a plane crash
· You heard about September 11th
· You heard about the shuttle Columbia breaking up
· You heard about the SECOND Gulf War
· You heard about Reagan’s death
Of course, there are more questions, but this is just a small sample of the one’s I’ve heard in my lifetime. Most generations have only one or two (or no) WWYW questions, but in my more than 36 years, I have all these and more.
Do we define our existence by tragedy? I have to wonder. I was alive when two men landed on the moon, but I was also alive when Apollo 13 happened. I was alive when the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team won the gold medal, but I was also alive when we boycotted the Olympics.
Is the glass half-empty, or is it broken?
As for Reagan, many people claim that he won the cold war. But what he really did was plunge our country into massive deficits by increasing military spending while cutting taxes. Sound like anyone we know today? And the cold war was in its last days during his presidency, and he hastened its end by a week to ten days. He will be known as “Ronnie Raygun” for his support of the “Star Wars” program. And he compared the Contras in Nicaragua to our founding fathers. What a great guy!
I’m not sure just how sorry we should be for him.
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