In case the title wasn't enough warning, be warned that this post contains some serious harsh language.
You may recall that a few weeks ago we had a huge riot in North Toledo (my post about it is
At any rate, this riot was started when a group of Neo-Nazi dickwads decided to come here and stage a rally/march.
Now, this would have been fine if people had just ignored them. But some other people declared their intention to put up a protest counter-march. And some young men (many gang members) decided to use this whole situation as an excuse to start looting and rioting. It was a sad situation. There were several injuries, and dozens of people were arrested. Thankfully, however, no one was killed. This time.
I say "this time" because a few days ago the Neo-Nazis announced their intention to return to Toledo on December 10th and stage another protest, this time right on the steps of the Government Center in the heart of Downtown Toledo. That's right. These cock-juggling thunder-fucks (thanks for the phrase,
Naked Critic!) are coming back. And this time, they'll be in the heart of downtown.
I hope people have learned their lesson and will stay away from this one (I don't plan to be anywhere near it) and I hope the news crews will leave their cameras at home.
But I sincerely doubt it.
Because, you see, the title of this post did not refer to the Nazis. It's a given that they are assholes who never learn (The Nazis were VERY BAD, you fucktards!) No, the title of this post refers to the people who just can't seem to realize that attention is what these Nazi douchenozzles want. The fact that they were able to incite a riot without ever even holding their march had to make them happier than a child molester at an orphanage. And now, they're coming back for more. And there's a good chance that they may incite another riot.
So to anyone who plans to protest their rally I say this: Stay. Home. If we ignore these people, they will go away. If no one pays attention to them, they will quickly realize that Toledo in December is a cold, uninviting place, especially if you're standing on the steps of the government center (something about the design of the building produces a nice wind-tunnel effect in the building's front plaza) and they will crawl back under whatever rock they came from.
And to the Neo-Nazis, I say this. Go. Away. We don't want you here. If you want to go somewhere, go over to Israel. I hear they're very big fans of Nazis over there...something about always giving them a "warm" welcome.
(They're so stupid, they just might fall for it!)