Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Curse of the Twitter Generation

I recently received a message (I will not disclose the source), part of which was this:

"Your gf of 3 years has over 8,000 in savings and is having a hard time financiallly after her divorce but always pays her bills on time and has never defaulted. a company her and her ex hired to split their property left them holding the bag for 21000 with no project to sell after they failed to check on codes and my gf told them they don't have it until the house sells or if they had done their job and they had lots to sell, when they didn't check code they didnt know the land couldn't be divided so the company did all this work for nothing."

(This quote is copied word for word--no editing by me)

I simply have to ask: Is this some new foreign language that I was, up to now, previously unaware of?

Be aware that I recognize most of the words in the above quote.

Also be aware that the above quote contains over 100 words, and by my count, 2 periods, 1 comma (not counting the one in one of the numbers, and one apostrophe. If I need to point out to you where the missing punctuation should be, then you shouldn't be reading this blog.

Also worth noting is that only one word is capitalized, at the beginning of the quote.

I could go on and on, but I won't. To detail all of the rest of the spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors would take a much longer post than I am ready to right write now (I did that on prupose!)

Who or what is to blame for this rapid breakdown of communications skills in our society, a breakdown that is becoming more and more apparent every day?

One word: Twitter.

Twitter is the ultimate culmination of the natural progression of a society that has progressively learned to be as brief as possible in its communications.

Think about it. We went from writing letters longhand, to typing them, to word processors, to phone calls, to e-mail, to instant messages, and now to twitter. Our method of communication has progressed to the point where we must learn to be as brief as possible in hopes of keeping the attention of others.

Is there any wonder why the attention span of the current generation is so short?

Just because more is sometimes less does not necessarily mean the opposite is also true.

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