Tuesday, September 07, 2004


You may be wondering about the title of today's post. Let me explain.

You see, 996 is the number of American Servicepeople who have been killed in Iraq since this whole mis-begotten adventure began MORE THAN ONE AND A HALF YEARS AGO!!!

Of course, that number is only part of the story. You have to add to that number the fact that for every serviceperson killed, at least ten are wounded. Many of these unfortunates are maimed for life, with arms and/or legs gone. Many others will suffer permanent mental and/or physical impairment.

And, of course, in addition to their physical hardship, they must deal with a V.A. hospital system that is suffering increased funding cuts under the Bush Administration.

And for WHAT? Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Where are the Al Qaeda cells? Where are the file cabinets containing Saddam's plans for a vast terror attack on the U.S.?

Why did we invade Iraq?

And why do at least 50% of Americans believe ANYTHING that comes out of Bush's mouth?

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