Friday, September 03, 2004


I know, I know, I haven't posted since last Friday. STFU already, willya?

Anyway, here we go.

I could offer several lame excuses, but mostly it's just because I'm lazy.

I'm hoarse today, because I've spent most of my time over this week shouting at my TV as I watched that huge, steaming pile of crap called the republican national convention (they don't deserve caps!)

"Herr Gropenfuhrer" Schwarzenegger was nuts. "Zellout" Miller was crazy. "Dickless" Cheney was a windbag. And don't get me started on George "Four more wars" Bush.

I can't understand how all these morons can continue to believe their own lies. Maybe they don't. But I have to believe that telling so many lies without actually believing a few of them is impossible.

BTW, about "Zellout", go here:

to see what he had to say about his "good friend" John Kerry just three years ago.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?!

GOD, I'm pissed off about this!!!! I better stop writing now.

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