Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Where's Osama?

So. What to write about today.


Or, as the Republicans have come to call him, "he who must not be named, especially in any of the convention speeches".

Of course, I've had this theory for a while now that Osama is stashed somewhere and they'll bring him out and parade him in front of the cameras around October 30th.

Recently it has been reported that the number of CIA officers assigned to find him is fewer now than it was BEFORE September 11th.

Seriously. I heard John Kerry mentioned in some negative fashion in just about every speech at the rnc (they don't deserve caps--I've said it before and I'll say it again!) At no point did I hear the name of the man who masterminded the most deadly attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor.

Why aren't we looking for him with every available resource? Because we're spending all of our time and resources trying to fight an insurgency in Iraq that will never be beaten. You'd think we'd have learned our lesson from Vietnam. When you're fighting enemies that are willing to do anything it takes to beat you, you'll never beat them. Unless, of course, you play by his rules. Which we can't do because we're "the good guys"! And because then we'd be no better than them.

Of course, looking at some of our actions in Iraq, I'd say we ARE no better than them.

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