Friday, October 01, 2004


OK, OK. I know. I haven't posted in three weeks. STFU already! I've been busy.

O.K., I admit it. I've just been lazy!

God, I can't believe it's already October.

Or maybe I should say it's Octobrrrrr!

It was COLD this morning!

So, I watched the debate last night. I was quite impressed with Kerry's performance. Not that it changed my mind one whit. I've always believed that Duhbya is a clueless idiot. Last night just comfirmed it,.

Seriously. How did this boob ever become the president?

He is, in my opinion, living proof that if you have enough money, you can put any idiot in the White House.

Meanwhile, the Republican smear machine continues to attack Kerry. Maybe because they can't point to any accomplishments they have made.

I heard an interesting statistic the other day. Bush is the first president since John Quincy Adams to never veto a single bill that Congress passed.

The republicans currently control all three branches of government. They have for the last 2 years now. So why haven't they fixed all of America's problems yet?

You can get a lot done in two years. Unless, of course, you're a republican.

Vote early. Vote often.

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