Monday, January 17, 2005

Condi faces the music

Well, probably not. Do I think that her confirmation hearing today will be anything less than a lovefest from both sides of the aisle? Of course not!

Let's review her record of accomplishments and qualifications:

Received a Presidential Daily Briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside U.S." more than a month before September 11th. Did absolutely nothing about it.

After the attacks, went on every TV network except the Food Channel explaining how it wasn't her fault.

Continuously pumped up the case for the War in Iraq.

Once referred to DUHbya as "Her husband".

Expert in the subject of the Soviet Union--which no longer exists.

During her four years as National Security Advisor, accomplished almost nothing that makes the country more safe and secure.

One of the four black people who actually voted for Bush (I assume!)

Quite a record, isn't it? And how is she rewarded for a nonstop string of failures? By being named the new Secretary of State, one of the most powerful cabinet positions there is.

Apparently in Bushworld, failure is rewarded with a chance to fail even more.

Meanwhile, the Democrats' testicles continue to shrivel up in the face of DUHbya's "overwhelming mandate"--which is what you call it when only 49% of the country hates you instead of 51%.

God help us all.

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