Saturday, March 26, 2005

The American Red Cross

Yesterday, I donated a pint of blood.

Yesterday was Good Friday.

Every Good Friday for the last six years, I have donated a pint of blood.

The reason I do this is simple: IF Jesus Christ, on this day, gave his LIFE to redeem all of mankind's sins, then the LEAST I can do on this day is to make sure that I donate a pint of my blood to try to repay that debt.

I urge every one of the three people reading this blog to call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE and arrange an appointment with the American Red Cross to donate a pint of blood. It usually takes less than an hour. It doesn't hurt (much!) It gives you a good feeling. And that single pint of blood you donate can save up to 3 lives.

Roughly 95% of the population of this country either will receive transfused blood at some point in their lives, or they have a family member who will receive it (Both my mother and father have received blood.) And yet, less than 5% of the population of this country actually donates blood. So to say every drop counts is somewhat of an understatement.

Save a life today. Donate blood.

Thank you.

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