Monday, June 27, 2005

Are You Kidding Me?!

Seriously. Are you fucking kidding me?!

Guess who was named as AOL and the Discovery Channel's "Greatest American"?

Yes folks, it's RONALD FUCKING REAGAN!!!

Further proof that this country suffers from terminal Head-Up-Ass disease!

I mean, COME ON! Do you people seriously think that Ronald Reagan was a greater American than the likes of Abraham Lincoln (#2), Martin Luther King, Jr. (#3,) George Washington (#4), or Ben Franklin (#5)?

Because I sure as hell don't.

Let's look at their records, shall we?

Abraham Lincoln: President of the United States during the four bloodiest years in our country's history. Freed the Slaves. Managed to hold together a country that was trying its best to literally tear itself apart. Gave one of the greatest speeches in history.

Martin Luther King: Led a decades-long struggle to overturn unfair and unconstitutional segregation laws in numerous southern states. Endured police beatings, fire hoses, and dogs in his struggle for equal rights for all Americans, regardless of race.

George Washington: The father of our country. Managed to hold together a ragtag army long enough to outlast, outmaneuver, and, in the end, outfight the most powerful military force in the world in his day and age. Could have easily been named King, but chose instead merely to serve as the first President, and, so far, the only one elected unanimously.

Benjamin Franklin: Author, statesman, diplomat, inventor. Served as ambassador to France. Invented many things, some of which are still used today. Signed the Declaration of Independence. First United States Postmaster General. Founded the nation's first public zoo.

And Ronald Reagan?

Ran up huge budget deficits through massive military spending. Slashed funding for programs designed to help children, the poor, and the elderly. Propped up governments of several Central American countries that killed thousands of their own citizens.

I realize that Reagan had his good points. But he was DEFINITELY NOT a greater American that Lincoln, Washington, King, or even Franklin.

Ronald Reagan was NOT God, people! Stop worshipping him like he was!

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