Thursday, June 23, 2005

Dick Durbin: My Hero--NOT!

Shame on you, Senator Richard Durbin!

Why do I say this? Two words: You. Caved.

You may remember how, a few days ago, Senator Durbin read the report of an FBI agent on the Senate floor that detailed the mistreatment of some of the detainees being held in the prison at Guantanamo Bay. He then stated that if he hadn't told his colleagues that he was reading the report of an American F.B.I. agent detailing activities at an American prison, they might have thought he was describing actions inside a Nazi concentration camp or a Soviet Gulag.

Of course, the wrongright-wing attack machine immediately jumped all over him, calling him everything from a lunatic to a terrorist sympathizer.

This, of course, is typical of the wright. Make the person who said something the issue, rather than focusing on what they actually said.

Durbin was, of course, completely correct in his assessment. The torture techniques he described do remind me of something I might expect to hear when listening to the story of Auschwitz. Seriously. Chaining people to the floor, in extreme heat or cold, and leaving them there for hours on end, until they are forced to piss or shit on themselves (I don't sugarcoat things, people!), is not the kind of treatment you expect would happen in an American prison.

But, of course, that's not the issue, according to the wright. They instead chose to make Durbin the issue, instead of what he actually said. They have held him up as the worst traitor to our country since Benedict Arnold.

And on Tuesday, he caved in to the pressure. He issued a formal apology on the Senate floor, saying he was wrong in what he said. And the wright-wing attack machine has been trumpeting their "victory" ever since.

To you, Mr. Durbin, I say this: You COWARD! You allowed the brickbats thrown at you by the loonies of the wright to break you!

You were a hero to me for standing up and saying what needed to be said. You shouldn't have to apologize for calling a pile of shit a pile of shit. The mistreatment of prisoners in American prisons is the antithesis of everything this country stands for, and someone needs to remind Americans of this fact.

You're not a hero anymore, Mr. Durbin. You're just another cowardly politician.

And I hate you for that.

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