Saturday, July 31, 2004

Posting more journal entries

>>>This is the last batch of entries for June


Take a look at the date above.

Now, let me describe the weather.

It’s currently 55 degrees. It’s raining outside. There is a cold breeze blowing. I almost had to wear a jacket coming to work this morning.

Oh yeah, did I mention that it’s JUNE FUCKING 25TH!!

I think somehow we skipped summer. Since the beginning of June, I think we’ve had maybe ONE day where the temp was over 90.

Having recently seen The Day After Tomorrow, and having seen what can happen when the Atlantic climate changes (or at least the Hollywood version of what can happen), I can’t help but wonder.

Summer is never pleasant here in Toledo. This is a town of weather extremes. It’s either very hot, or very cold (sometimes in the same day!) There is very little in between. But this is getting ridiculous.

Did we somehow skip summer and go straight into fall.

Let’s see:

Long days? Check.

Leaves all green? Check.

Kiddie pools filled? Check.

Hot summer weather? Oopsie!

I suppose I should be grateful. At least it’s not 98 degrees with 100 percent humidity. On the other hand, I’d like to be able to sleep at night without piling on two blankets.



So…my garage is falling down.

Not so much falling down as the roof is collapsing. It’s good to be specific about such things.

And there are cracks in the slab.

And two roof beams are cracked.

And there is rot on the walls.

And the shingles need to be replaced.

OK, so maybe it is falling down.

I can’t wait to see how much it’ll take to fix it.


That I don’t have!



Well, they’ve been out to look at it.

OF course, part of the problem with the damage might be coming from the HUGE SINKHOLE that’s behind my garage. Apparently there’s a sanitary sewer running along the back of all the properties on my side of the street. It’s caused problems for both of my neighbors, and now it’s doing the same for me.

A bigger problem may be all the boards and other lumber that’s placed on the crossbeams of my roof.

The biggest problem, of course, may be that my garage was built back in the ‘50s and has never had any work done on it.

Ah, the joys of home ownership!


The final one about my garage (for now):

The first estimate is in: $2500

Now, I’ve had at least two people tell me they know people who can do the job for less. Much less. The trouble is, they’re both people who do this kind of work on the side. I’m in a dilemma.

Do I hire an established building contractor, one who does this sort of thing for a living, or do I hire someone who only does it on the side?

If I’ve learned one thing in my more than 36 years walking this earth, it’s that you get what you pay for—at least in most cases.

So. Do I pay for the good job, or do I get the bargain contractor and take my chances?

Decisions, decisions.


Busy. Busy. Can’t write today. You go away!


God, I can’t believe it’s the last day of June. The year is half over already.

We finally are getting some summer-like weather. It’s about time. Of course, with global warming causing the ice shelf to break off, thus changing the saline balance of the ocean, thus disrupting the Atlantic current, thus causing a new global ice age, how much longer can it last.

Hey, I saw The Day After Tomorrow. Hollywood would never lie to me, right? Right? Hello? Is this thing on?

OK, so maybe the movie was overblown a little. But as I sleep at night at the end of June under a flannel sheet and a comforter, it makes me wonder sometimes.

Of course, Hollywood has never had a problem stretching the rules of logic, physics, or even basic common sense. There are entire websites devoted to pointing out the flaws of movies.

That doesn’t mean they’re not entertaining by any stretch of the imagination. Spiderman 2 opens this weekend, and I plan to go see it.

I know. It’s not based in reality. Who gives a shit? It’s fun!

As I wind up this last journal entry for June, I scroll back through it and see what my month was like. This is more for me to recall past events than anything else.

See you in July!

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