Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Breakfast Sandwich from Hell, Part 2

Recently I posted an entry about Burger King's new mega breakfast sandwich. And Katbanshee posted a comment about the creepy commercials BK has brought out to promote them. Recently I saw one of said commercials. And I have to ask one question:


Let me describe this commercial (but I should point out this will be vague--I have only seen it once.)

A man wakes up. He gets out of bed. He looks out his window. He sees a man in a plastic Burger King costume standing outside. The costumed man offers one of BK's new sandwiches to the man. He takes it and eats it. Cut.

Let's analyze this, shall we?

Imagine if you will that you wake up in the morning. Outside your window is some stranger wearing a creepy-looking costume. He holds out a very nasty looking sandwich to you. What would you do?

Me, I would slam my windows closed and call the cops!!

And I have to believe that would be the reaction of just about everyone else.

So again I ask, who are the marketing geniuses that came up with this ad campaign?

Probably the same guys that came up with the commercials that had a guy waking up next to a guy wearing said creepy costume (remember those?--the tagline was "wake up with the King").

I have to say that if I woke up next to some guy wearing a creepy looking costume, I'd hit him over the head with the nearest heavy object and run screaming from the room!

Memo to Madison Avenue: Guys in creepy-looking costumes invading your privacy = BAD!

(I know. I used the words "creepy-looking" a lot! So what?!)

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