Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Time Magazine is Clueless, Part 2

So. Fresh from performing a hummer on DUIbya (tm), Time Magazine takes his dick out of its collective mouth and replaces it with Ann Coulter's.

And as the COVER STORY!!!

Memo to Time Magazine:


First you declare the worst President in recent history your "Person of the Year", and now you have a cover story canonizing the bitchiest Right Wingnut there is.

I mean, this is the woman who wrote in her column after the September 11th attacks that we should invade all the Arab countries "kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity"

She also had this to say about Michael Moore and Fahrenheit 9/11:

"There's Michael Moore, who has said he hopes more Americans will die in Iraq. His movie, "Fahrenheit 7/11" as we call it, apparently supports the Times' view that life in Iraq was better, sunnier, happier under Saddam Hussein. Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"

Now, I've watched Fahrenheit 9/11 a few times, and in no part of the movie, nor in his subsequent statements since then, has Michael Moore ever said anything that she accused him of saying.

BTW, there will be no more quotes from bitchwoman, since reading more than one of her columns would probably cause my head to explode. I'm sure you can find much more crazy quotations of hers elsewhere. I would suggest you google the words "Ann, Coulter, Horrible".

And yet this bleach-blond dominatrix is now being held up as a someone to be admired and respected.

For example:

"...no one on the right is so iconic, such a totem of this particular moment. Coulter epitomizes the way politics is now discussed on the airwaves, where opinions must come violently fast and cause as much friction as possible. No one, right or left, delivers the required apothegmatic commentary on the world with as much glee or effectiveness as Coulter."

And the article continues:

"As a congressional staff member 10 years ago, Coulter used to help write the nation's laws (now THAT'S scary). Now she is far more powerful: she helps set the nation's tone."

And that tone seems to be, "Liberals! KILL THEM!"

So in conclusion, let me just say this to Time Magazine:


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