Monday, April 18, 2005

Great Americans? I Don't Think So!

AOL has announced the nominees for the "greatest American" have been selected. And I have to ask: What bunch of CLUELESS MORONS selected some of these people as nominees?!!

Let me give you a few examples:

George and Barbara Bush
George W. and Laura Bush (Are you starting to sense a theme here?)
John Edwards (but NOT John Kerry. Hm.)
Brett Favre (but no other Pro QB's)
Bill and Hilary Clinton(fair is fair)
Tom Cruise (come ON!)
Ellen Degeneres (ditto)
Hugh Hefner (we should all admire senior citizens who walk around in pajamas all day!)
Michael Jackson (and we should all admire child-molesting freaks)
Rush Limbaugh (just like we should admire fat, pill-popping hypocrites)
Madonna (the singer--because we should also admire slutty women)
Dr. Phil McGraw (Dr. Phil?! Are you KIDDING?!)
Michael Moore (I like his films, but I don't think he belongs on this list)
Condoleeza Rice (Because failure should be rewarded, dammit!)
Martha Stewart (as should breaking the law!)
Sam Walton (founder of Wal-mart--and destroyer of small towns everywhere)

Admittedly, there are some who do belong on this list, like Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Thomas Jefferson, Jonas Salk, and Thomas Edison, just to name a few.

But that's my biggest problem with this list. They are lumping idiots like George W. Bush and Rush Limbaugh in the same class as people like Jonas Salk and Thomas Edison.

Seriously. Who has contributed more to American society?

Jonas Salk invented a vaccine for a hideous disease that left tens of thousands of people crippled for life. He made it possible to eradicate the disease almost completely.

Thomas Edison invented or inspired many of the technological marvels that we take for granted today.

On the other hand George "DUIbya" (tm) Bush lied his way into a war and has gotten thousands of people killed. And yet still somehow CONvinced 51% of Americans that he deserved four more years of doing the same. And now he is working to destroy Social Security, a system that has worked fine for over 70 years now.

And he is helped in his cause by Rush Limbaugh, a pill-addicted radio host who spends three hours every weekday lying through his ass to millions of listeners. He's one of the reasons Bush was re-elected.

In short, I think they need to re-think some of their choices for this list.

I'm just sayin'.

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