Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's Official

I am officially putting the creators of ABC's Lost on notice: If I ever meet any of them, I will kidnap them, tie them to a chair in a soundproof room somewhere, and begin cutting off their appendages until they start telling me all they know about what the hell is going on on that show.

AARRGGHH!!! At the end of each new show, they promise more secrets will be revealed on the next episode, but all we ever seem to end up with is more questions. I cannot begin to describe just how frustrating this is. There is a fine line between keeping someone interesting and keeping someone exasperated, and they are getting very close to it.

I seriously wonder if these people even know what's really going on, or if they're just making it up as they go along. I gotta tell you, it sure seems that way sometimes.

Note to those who watched the show last night: Raise your hand if at a certain point you felt like yelling out, "Why, you treacherous little bitch!" or some variation of that!

Those of you who didn't watch it have no idea what I'm talking about, of course.

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