Friday, August 13, 2004



My garage is fixed. I no longer live in fear of my garage roof collapsing and crushing me and/or my car. I'm also out about $4400 bucks. Life sucks!

Now the only problem I have to deal with--well that's not true--I have a LOT of problems to deal with--is the MASSIVE SINKHOLE on the back of my property.

Let me explain. There's a sewer line that runs along the back of my property, and behind the property of everyone on my block. It was apparently built quite a while ago, and it's also apparently deteriorating to the point where it's causing problems. And by problems I mean BIG HOLES APPEARING IN PEOPLES' BACK YARDS!

So I've been trying for a month and a half to get the city to come out and take care of it. Every time I call, though, they act as if it's the first time they've heard about.

Our local news has something called "Call for Action" wherein if you have a problem that's being ignored by the person or persons who are responsible for fixing the problem, you call this news team, and they shine the harsh light of unfavorable publicity on the offending party or parties. The problem usually goes away quickly afterwards.

I'm giving the city another two weeks from today. I know no one's reading this blog, but if anyone ever does, take notice: on 8/27/04 I will either be reporting that the problem is being fixed or that I am calling the news.

Take notice

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